
8th Iranian Neonatal Health Congress

Caring for tomorrow’s generation, ensuring the health of society

The health of babies has been one of the most important goals of society. A healthy baby grows into a healthy child and becomes a healthy adult in society. On the other hand, the process of reducing infant mortality is one of the health goals, which the country has accepted in its international commitments to adhere to this process and has provided many services to mothers and infants in recent years. In order to improve the health of newborns and reduce their mortality and to update the science related to the health of newborns, the Congress of Newborn Health has been started since 2013 to invite all the treatment departments related to newborns including subspecialists, specialists, general doctors, Neonatal nurses and other related disciplines provide an environment to discuss and exchange opinions based on the most important problems every year.

Last year, the focus of the Congress was respiratory diseases of newborns, because the most common cause of hospitalization of newborns in intensive care units is respiratory problems, and providing different solutions for these diseases will improve care methods. This year, as per the routine of every year, the discussion of breathing still exists as one of the most important topics, and paying attention to cardiovascular diseases, which diseases will occur in babies, which diseases will affect babies from birth, as well as the examination of full-term (mature) babies. It has been at the top of this year’s academic program.

Faratab Jarrah company has also participated in this congress for five consecutive years in order to play a role in supporting the health of newborns by providing respiratory anesthesia and newborn care products.

Published On: 18 January, 2022Categories: News